Put some of our utilities to use to save you time without logging in to our service.
Browse high quality document-based tasks for middle and high school social studies / history.
PowerPoint slide shows available for middle and high school social studies, advanced French, and computer science.
Browse current and recent courses in Mr. Jones' virtual classroom. Import, copy, and edit at will any of a large collection of Innovation 21st century learning space tasks in social studies, French, and more!
Innovation is not just an LMS. It's a virtual structure of 21st century learning spaces! Teachers can curate their classroom virtual resources in any of the popular learning management systems!
We know many of you may be already invested in LMS like Google Classroom. That's why Innovation tasks are built to be portable.
Put some of our utilities to use to save you time without logging in to our service.
Are you a language teacher? Random conversation prompts for speaking practice.
Use z-score standardization to adjust a test's scores.
For APA or MLA, basic citation generator
Use this simple composition form to access a few common international characters quickly while you write.
Try out some of our services in the TestDrive app. Apply codes to access Mr. Jones' virtual classroom.
Our growing user's guide is a good place to start exploring our services.
Digital immigrants speak virtual with a heavy accent. Innovation Assessments helps teachers speak digital more like a native!
Built to meet the real needs of 21st century pedagogy!
The 21st century student workspaces at Innovation Assessments were designed by teachers and students for middle and high school. It is an innovative learning management system that can also be your Google Classroom™ companion.
Question bank organizer for multiple-choice, matching, and short answer.
Train the AI to suggest scores for short answer tests, summaries, outlines, and portions of essays.
Launch a live session to engage the whole class from their devices in multiple-choice, short answer, or slideshow projections.