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The 1920s

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From the bp

In the 1920s, the postwar recession ended

Assembly line = cheaper autos

Booming market leads to borrow money to buy stock

Radio encourages tourism and created new business

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Explain economic, social, and political effects of Prohibition.

Compare and contrast the presidential administrations of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover.

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Economic Effects of Prohibition

illegal market for the production, trafficking and sale of alcohol.

economy took a major hit, thanks to lost tax revenue and legal jobs.

Prohibition nearly ruined the country`s brewing industry.

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Social Effects of Prohibition

Deaths caused by cirrhosis of the liver in men dropped

Contaminated liquor contributed to more than 50,000 deaths and many cases of blindness and paralysis.

Alcohol consumption during Prohibition declined between 30 and 50 percent.

By the end of the 1920s there were more alcoholics and illegal drinking establishments than before Prohibition

Rise in organized crime

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Political Effects of Prohibition


No means nor desire to enforce

Corruption organized crime

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Harding Administration

"return to normalcy"

Landslide victory


Teapot Dome

Attny Gen. accepted bribes

Often considered one of worst presidents

Few good things

Treaty to repay Columbia for Panama

Pardon of Eugene Debs & other protesters

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Coolidge Administration

Harding dies, VP Coolidge is Pres

"Cool Cal" or "Silent Cal"

Restored integrity to WH

"The business of Americans is business"

Lower taxes

Spoke for civil rights

Economic prosperity

Kellogg-Briand Pact 1929

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Hoover Administration

Efficiency Movement

Encouraged volunteerism over regulation

End Roosevelt corollary & reduce intervention in Latin Amer.

Called for a halt to reparation payments from Germany "Hoover Moratorium"

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in 1930

Depression hit

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Similarities Among the Republican Administrations of the 1920s

Laissez-faire economic policy


People responsible for themselves

Small gov`t

Generally isolationist foreign policy


Utilized new media to communicate radio, film

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