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Social Media and the United States in the Early 21st Century

David Jones, 2021

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New York State Social Studies Frameworks

11.11c Globalization and advances in technology have affected the United States economy and society.

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Social Media

technology pioneered in the United States

global economic and political phenomena

economic: national borders are largely irrelevant on the Internet

political: nation-states use social media to advance their national goals

blend of economics and politics

FaceBook leads in social media (summer 2021)

Russia Still Largest Driver of Disinformation on Social Media

A Facebook report found that most of the fake accounts uncovered on the site originated in Russia.*

* Alexa Lardieri, US News and World Report, "Russia Still Largest Driver of Disinformation on Social Media, Facebook Report Finds", 26 May 2021 ( : accessed 20 Aug 2021).

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Social Media as an Economic Phenomenon

People make money from social media



sales through "marketplaces"

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Social Media as a Political Phenomenon

Internal: political groups advance their agenda, disparage their opponents, rouse their members to action

External: nation-states can offer their message right into users` homes in other nations-states

can disrupt rival nations using social media platforms using disinformation and outrage

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Do social media companies profit at society`s expense?

[A] 37-year-old former Facebook product manager who worked on civic integrity issues at the company says the documents show that Facebook knows its platforms are used to spread hate, violence and misinformation, and that the company has tried to hide that evidence.

"The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook, and Facebook over and over again chose to optimize for its own interests, like making more money," Haugen told "60 Minutes."


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Outrage As A Business Model

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Miles Parks, "Outrage As A Business Model: How Ben Shapiro Is Using Facebook To Build An Empire", NPR, All Things Considered, 19 July 2021 ( accessed 20 Aug 2021).

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The Daily Wire

2021: received more likes, shares and comments on Facebook than any other news publisher by a wide margin.

conservative podcast host and author

Ben Shapiro

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turning that Facebook reach into a rapidly expanding, cost-efficient media empire

experts worry may be furthering polarization in the United States.

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