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Reliability Factors

for historical sources

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Types of Sources

Sources are classified according to their physical form.

Three types:

original = material in its first oral or recorded form

derivative = material produced by copying an original or manipulating its content (abstracts, compilations, databases, extracts, translations, transcripts)

authored works = hybrid of original and derivative materials

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Factors Affecting Source Reliability



point of view

biased or objective

source format

location in time / place

intended audience

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Who authored this source?

How does the author affect the credibility of the source?

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Why was this source produced?

Influences reliability because purpose shades which information the author includes.

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What information does the source convey?

Information refers to the content of a source. There are three classes or weights:

primary = details from someone with first hand knowledge; eyewitness

secondary = details from someone with second hand knowledge; hearsay, tradition, stories

unknown = details from records that do not identify the person who is the source

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point of view

"... the place from which, or way in which, something is viewed or considered; standpoint; a mental attitude or opinion"

"Every source author has a point of view, but not every point of view is biased."

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it`s spelled


as in

"The document is biased.

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Point of View + Purpose

Is the author recounting their version of events?

Is the author presenting their reasoned opinion?

Reliability may be questionable considering bias or limitations of the author`s perspective.

Any bias present is probably not an issue since the purpose is to present an opinion Does it reliably represent what people thought at the time?

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