So here was my experience doing remote teaching in the pandemic…

I have been procrastinating writing this post. Probably because, like many of the readers who taught online during the pandemic, this is not exactly a fond memory. However, I have two reasons to move this task to the top of my to-do list. Firstly, I am aware that it has already been three years and I don’t want to forget anything important. Secondly, I will be teaching a course online next year and I want that to be a highly successful enterprise. I think there must be lessons to learn on reflection from teaching secondary level students online.

Pre-pandemic Experiments in Remote Teaching

My first foray into teaching online was a pilot online class I taught in 2016-2017. It was called Virtual United Nations. My school was a small, rural Adirondack district with limited offerings outside the core subjects and remediation. I was active on the technology committee and we found distance learning, as it was envisioned in the 1990s, was not going to work for us.

I had four students in the pilot course. It was an asynchronous course, the final project of which was participation in a regional high school United Nations simulation. For me personally, this course had the dual purpose of satisfying a graduate course requirement in digital teaching and learning through Empire State College. My paper is attached below.

Pandemic Remote Teaching for Me

At the time the pandemic hit, I was teaching social studies for grades 6-10 and a French class for grade 6. Schools in New York State closed 13 March 2020, supposedly for two weeks. I did not set foot in the school building again until September.

Like most schools in the region, our students all had Chromebooks. We scrambled to send middle and high school students home with these and chargers. Our plan evolved somewhat from its start, but eventually we settled on mostly synchronous remote classes that followed the same daily schedule as our regular day. At the end of each week, we were required to submit a summary of the week in our remote classes, including what we covered, student and teacher morale, and participation rates. I was able to search my email sent box to save copies of my reports from 13 March to 12 June 2020.

Lessons Learned

Here are some highlights of what I learned about online teaching from my weekly summaries in 2020:

  • 24 Apr I prefer delivering prerecorded video lessons to the live video. I think the live video sessions may turn out to be more PR than substance for a lot of reasons. I like them, but we’ll see. I embed my prerecorded video sessions with questions. 
  • 01 May It makes me feel happy to interact on video with [students]. I am still just learning how to conduct video classes. This week, I make them show their faces and I call on them to respond.
  • 8 May Sadly, my little Zoom “working together” idea did not work – no one showed. The streaming lessons are the highlight of my week because I get to see the kids, but I only get 6-8 now whereas I was getting the majority the first week. 
  • 08 May Education for people under ~17 needs to be a social, in-person experience and the governor’s “re-imagined” education might fail to see that. We are still primates, after all, and education requires the physical presence of teachers until upper high school. 
  • 15 May Participation in live streaming classes is very poor even with a reward system. I only get 3-6 kids out of classes of 20. These are among the highlights of my week, though. I put together nice presentations and I like seeing them.  
  • 15 May I got good participation in a survey asking successful online learners to share their secrets.  
  • 15 May I probably did not need to shorten 8th and 9th grade curriculum as much as I did. 
  • 15 May I have found breaking the tasks down to smaller steps so there is some small thing to do each day a highly effective practice for remote learning. 
  • 12 June  Breaking tasks down into daily 25-30 minute bits works great and I’ll do that in-building now too 
  • 12 June   “Remote learning” is NOT “homeschooling” and I worry that we burden parents too much. 
  • 12 June I think about 40% of my students need to be in school with a person teaching them. 

The paper “Successful Students Share Their Secret for Online Learning” is linked below. This was an extended survey of 21 (out of 87 total students on my roster that year) of my most successful students in remote learning during the pandemic. You can see for yourself the good advice they shared and some interesting survey results that may not be very surprising.


Overall, participation actually remained fairly stable, especially in grades nine and ten. I did a study in May of task completion rates of my freshmen and sophomores since 2017 and found only little changed in the pandemic. This was very surprising, since subjectively, it felt like it was a real struggle to get work in. I gave little assignments and took a grade a day. That’s how I teach in-person too, actually. The paper linked below, “Task Completion Study”, also includes a fairly comprehensive description of how I taught online. Many of those practices I retained when we returned to in-person and we had Chromebooks in class.

Remote Learning Conditions

The curriculum and assignment length were modified under remote learning. Assignments were decreased in size and duration. I avoided assigning multi-day tasks because many people just wait until the last minute to do it all, to poor effect. Students were also getting graded on “lectures” now, which consisted of 12-15 minute video tutorials embedded with questions. Some of the few multi-session tasks I normally assign in class, I now broke up into smaller assignments. The unit reading task, normally four pages to read and process, was reduced to three . In consequence of the setup of remote learning assignments, I did not complete the curriculum in grade nine to the point in history that I usually do and I moved some topics to the second part of the course to come in grade ten. I actually had more teaching time for grade ten under remote learning because, with Regents exams cancelled, I now had twelve extra lessons since I did not have to stop teaching and do review. There were on average 45 assignments across grades nine and ten in these courses over the date range. The 15% jump in the number of assignments under remote learning is because the tasks were broken down into more numerous, smaller steps. This cannot be interpreted as an increase in workload.

Resources in my online courses were curated through my own website, Assignments were organized and posted at Students were expected to complete one social studies assignment each school day. Courses were mostly asynchronous, save for a 30-minute live streaming lesson once a week which was optional and non-graded (there was a reward system built in for attendees). Video tutorials with multiple-choice questions ran 12-20 minutes, averaging around 14 minutes. Students were invited to attempt these twice for a higher grade. Textbook reading tasks consisted of either three- or four- page reading selection to process or multiple-choice comprehension questions. Each unit has an essay on a primary source where one session was reading and outlining the important points and one session was to compose the essay. There were a number of multiple-choice and matching quizzes which usually take about five minutes exclusive of pre-study time (students can rehearse the questions and answers in advance of some of these, so it’s very easy). Other assignment types follow similar patterns. In my opinion, a good estimate of the time commitment for the average student would be about 25 minutes a day on social studies in grades nine and ten under remote learning for the date range. I charge a late fee of ten points per day late just as in regular school and if students contact me with good reason or if students work to catch up a lot of work in a short time span, I always waive these late points.

Morale: Theirs and Mine

The short story on student morale as near as I could detect it was that it was always good. None of my weekly summaries reported adverse student morale. However, as the year progressed, some students dropped out of participation so I can only report on the students who were still involved.

My own morale story is more complex. In my memory of the events, it is all negative. But reading the contemporaneous notes of 2020, I see that it started out just fine. On 20 March, I actually wrote “My week went great. I absolutely love working from home. If I could, I would switch to just doing this.” Ugh. By my last entry on 12 June, I wrote “I endured the most serious aversion to teaching I ever experienced. This is not because it was online. I can teach online just fine. The reasons were complex… no room here… but I am getting better and look to the summer and next school year with a sense of optimism and hope.

The problems were not really connected to online teaching…

When on 12 June 2020 I wrote “The reasons were complex… no room here… ” I was alluding to a collection of things that were aggravating in the extreme. This only got worse in the coming school year. The things that made working in my district an aggravating and unpleasant experience are largely beyond the scope of this article, but these things, they were born of the pandemic. My school district imposed actions, directives, and policies which ranged from the insufferable to the outrageous. This trend gradually broke my working relationship with my district and inspired me to hasten my retirement and to request part-time work in my last year. Though I was not one of the 16% of the faculty who resigned or retired early that year in my district, I was aiming to get out as soon as feasible.


The pandemic fostered a large number of innovations for my teaching in a digital environment. One issue of note, which I would like to address in a separate post, is the issue of online testing. Is it possible to offer valid, reliable assessments in a remote teaching situation? I am convinced that this will improve in the coming decade, but there is a lot that can be done now.

A few of the innovations that were inspired by the pandemic remote learning situation involved devising ways to give good online tests. My district subscribed to a service called “GoGuardian”, which allows me to view and control student screens. I cannot emphasize enough how important this was. But at my own site, I developed a number of useful apps. One was a parent proctoring system. Parents needed to enter a code to let students take a test. Another was a sort of AI proctor I developed in JavaScript that tracked student activity online while they worked.

I wrote a short paper on this experience. It is linked below. With the help of my colleague in the math department, we established that an examination of student scores on online tests showed no real change from performance in the classroom, thus supporting with this small study the idea that secure online testing is possible.

I am reminded now of a student who was taking one of my “credit by examination” tests. While he was writing his essay, I was able to watch his screen and my own app would prevent him from leaving the test web page in order to look something up (to cheat). I watched him type sentences I knew were not likely his — I discovered he was using his phone. Easy catch. I typed in his sentences into Google search and quickly located the web page he was copying from on his phone. It was easy to award no credit for the task and provide the very websites in rationale where he cheated.

Teaching in the pandemic for me was an adverse experience, though not for the reasons one might think. I believe it would be a good effort toward justifying the adversity if some lessons can be gleaned from my patient endurance.

What do you think about listening to music while studying?

In the minutes of my school’s Board of Education from a meeting in the early 1980s, I remember seeing a discussion about the dangerous effects on students of listening to loud “rock music” in headphones. If only they knew how technology would advance! In my last year before retirement, technological advances had become such that many of my students walked around all day with a tiny device like a hearing aid in one ear. Long hair could hide them in classrooms where they were banned. Many young people spend the day serenaded by their favorite playlists and having their texts read to them. Like many of you, I wonder if this is good.

In 2015, cell phones were starting to become ubiquitous in my small, rural school. Students wanted to plug in and listen to music while they worked. I indulged this at first to see what would happen and I ended up banning the practice. But some of my high performing students were convincing in their pleas to listen to their tunes. I was curious enough to read up on the research.

Naturally, the answer is not simple. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. There are so many variables to consider that are missed if one only phrases the question “will listening to music help studying?”.

I settled on this policy for my classroom: I would grant a student a “license” to listen to music during working times in class provided that (1) they read and summarized adequately my own research paper on listening to music while doing school work and (2) that they maintained a class average of at least 85.

I wrote that paper on listening to music while studying while listening to music. I admit it. While I am working, I like to listen to music. If I am doing labor like painting a room or stacking wood, I like the 90s pop/rock playlists on Pandora. When I am doing academic work, I sometimes play something classical. Any of my former students reading this will no doubt roll their eyes because I probably did not allow their tunes during the lesson.

Typically, the weaker student with attention-focusing problems suffers from music during academic work. They engage with the lyrics of the song and the beat of the music in a way that adds cognitive load to their school assignment and impedes working memory. More than once I saw a kid air jamming guitar while summarizing a text on some world revolution. They interrupt their work to skip a song they don’t like, to choose a different playlist, or to search for the song they just realized would be great to hear right now. *Insert eye-roll here*

But some other students do seem to perform better on tasks and to focus better with the music on. In fact, so do I.

You can manage badges and permits for your class at Innovation Assessments.

We know now from mountains of research that human beings cannot truly multi-task. I would suggest that, in situations where music is not helpful for study, it is better sometimes a separate task that takes a student’s attention away from the one they probably don’t want to do anyway. In the paper, I suggested that it was a question of cognitive load.

For the student who benefits from this, the music becomes a part of the task just like a fiddler’s bowing is part of the overall task of fiddling with the left hand fingers on strings.

A problem I was never able to resolve was this: I wanted to create some test to see who would benefit from music and who would not. I actually had very few students ever apply for the license to listen to music in class. They were intimidated by reading that paper, I suppose.

In the end, I guess the question was not resolved satisfactorily. I still banned music. Some kids still sneaked it in. It didn’t matter much. Hopefully, one day someone clever will develop a test to see who benefits and does not.

You may forget your French someday, but you won’t forget what you used French to learn about.

In my grandparents’ day, we’re talking the 1930s, students who took world languages in high school were really aiming for a reading knowledge of the language. College-bound students of that era would be ready to read sources in their original language perhaps, and not so much ready for travel. In the hand-wringing self-criticism of the 1980s and 1990s, there came a growing concern that world language courses were not “communicative” enough. Students lamented that they took four years of such-and-such language and couldn’t actually speak it.

So in the spirit of reform, when I was being trained as a language teacher in the early 1980s, we were baptized in the holy water of communicative proficiency and realia.

I wish to demonstrate that teaching culture using the target language is an effective means of getting students to communicative proficiency.

But here, decades later, I have to seriously question this focus for students after the second year in a high school world language course. My reason is pretty simple: despite the great reform of those decades and the sincerest efforts to produce good communicators in the target language, world language high school alumni still rightly complain that they cannot really speak any of the language they learned. The criticism still stands.

We all seem to just accept this and the way it goes. World language teachers have lobbied for years, successfully, to promote our stock and trade. Among the benefits we can tout are an enhanced understanding of other peoples, possible career opportunities for those who develop proficiency, improved reading and writing competency in their own language, and so forth. What we cannot say is that our charges will retain the skills we taught them. Even my French four students came back years later to visit with their once-honed language skills dissipated completely. The fact is, one cannot develop linguistic proficiency in the traditional classroom.

The main reason to do this is that learning culture will stay with students longer and enhance their overall education more profoundly than learning a language they will most assuredly mostly forget.

I want to promote a way to teach world language in high school years three and four that makes learning another language highly satisfying while at the same time achieving whatever basic linguistic proficiency is possible in the traditional high school classroom.

Click here to shop for French civilization units in my store.

Everyone includes culture studies in their world language classes, especially at the higher levels when the language skills are enough to make many authentic culture forms accessible. May I propose to make this culture study the centerpiece of year three and four studies and that it is indeed possible to do this at level three with the right scaffolding techniques. The main reason to do this is that learning culture will stay with students longer and enhance their overall education more profoundly than learning a language they will most assuredly mostly forget.

The correlation between the quarter marks’ average [in a culture course] and the French Regents Examination [a measurement of communicative proficiency] average score was 0.70.

In the early 1990s, I renamed my French III course “French Civilization”. I made culture studies, with thematic topics determined by students, the centerpiece of the lessons.

Can you really teach content and still get kids ready for the Regents?

Let’s look at the data. I taught French from 1991 to 2004, then a few courses from time to time, and finally again in 2022-2023. I saved my final grade sheets since 1993. I wish to demonstrate that teaching culture using the target language is an effective means of getting students to communicative proficiency. I think the data backs up my claim. I have analyzed my students’ grades in French Civilization (what I had entitled my third-year course) from the 1994-1995 school year through the 1999-2000 school year. During that six-year period, I taught 86 students third-year French as a civilization course.

The data support this method.

The class average on the Regents during that six-year period was 80. The average of the quarter marking period grades for those students during that time was 82. The correlation between the quarter marks’ average and the French Regents Examination score was 0.70. The spreadsheet is available below. This strong correlation supports the idea that you can teach culture and build language proficiency. I submit that this method is better because of its long-term benefits to students in teaching them content much as they would learn in a social studies course. This is a life-enriching educational practice that still meets the communicative goals measured by world language examinations such as the Regents examinations in New York State.

How do you teach language and content?

Scaffolding lessons designed to make authentic culture materials accessible to students are in the wheelhouse of every language teacher. A complete training program is beyond the scope of this article. But a few worth mentioning are these: easier versions of classic texts, pre-teaching key vocabulary, training programs to help students construct meaning in a sea of unknown words, and surely coaching in the native language as students tackle the tasks. A culture course where the class chooses its topics of study will enjoy some motivation from interest alone. Good scaffolding lessons let teachers bring resources to accessibility and help students build confidence.

Here’s a lesson in reading skills for English that can easily be used in reading world language. Actually, I built this lesson from my world language teaching training and elementary ed. training.

Student interest becomes a driving force.

Most students who advance to this level of world language learning are interested and usually are academic-minded. The freedom afforded to choose their learning seems ideal in a way Rousseau would appreciate. They’ll need to be brave to tackle plays written in the target language or try to understand a classic film. But my experience has been that interest and choice are really strong motivators.

Students who have complained that they don’t really end up very fluent from high school world language courses have found little comfort in the rationale provided by adults around them. It’ll get you out of college courses. It’ll make your transcript look good. It’ll help you order a meal at that French restaurant in town. Your English gets better. You’ll learn about other cultures. You’ll learn grammar. And the list goes on… But emperor has no clothes, and the band keeps marching him through town.

For third and fourth-year students in high school language classes, the data support the idea that culture classes lead to the level of communicative proficiency measured by standardized tests like the New York State Regents examinations. The level of proficiency students can actually achieve is fairly limited and maybe we should be more up front with students about that; set more reasonable expectations. Culture and civilization classes enrich a person’s education, a person’s life, in ways that just teaching them to ask when is the next train to Madrid won’t do.

Building World Language Speaking Skill with the Scaffold Dialogue

So let me go way back to my training to be a French teacher in the late 1980s. My sponsor teacher was Mr. Tom Ham at Potsdam High School. He was instrumental in teaching me techniques for developing conversation skills by “scaffolding” students up into more sophisticated expressions that had an element of improvisation within the proximal zone of development of the class.

Jump to The Scaffold Dialogue Package

Shop for Scaffold Dialogue products at my store.

French poses some difficulty for complex expressions that students of, say, Norwegian, don’t face. French has lots of silent letters, for example, and the sound that the letters represent is more alien to English speakers. “What’s this?” is “Qu’est-ce que c’est?” which, if you don’t speak French, sounds like “KESKUH-SAY”. Holy cow! Lots of extraneous letters. Languages like French are best learned when students have a lot of repetition in these difficult structures. The listen-record task seems to fit the bill.

The Listen-Record Task

Mr. Ham used a lesson that didn’t have a name so for lack of a better term, I call it the “listen-record”. Students are presented with a few model sentences with parts missing. The missing parts are improvised by using our current vocabulary list and prior knowledge. Each student goes, in turn, to ask a question, choose a classmate, and then the classmate creates a response. Everyone listens and records in the table the name of the respondent for each exchange.

At the end of the lesson, there is a quiz on the table during which I ask, in the target language, who did or said such-and-such. students look up the name in the table and record the name on the answer sheet.

I echo out everything everyone says repeatedly, so this enhances the experience and recall.

Listen-Record table with quiz on back fold.
A student’s completed table.

I really like this activity. Students have to be engaged all the time. They have to listen and practice speaking. They often improvise amusing permutations of the responses and this lends itself to long-term recall of the vocabulary. Best of all, this activity presents the same model phrases over and over. I echo out everything everyone says repeatedly, so this enhances the experience and recall.

“Guided Dialogue”, “Guided Conversation”, “Scaffold Dialogue”

These are all terms I have seen for a slightly different activity designed to build conversational competence with some improvisation. In the guided dialogue, the student participates in an extended conversation where every other exchange is in the target language. Back in the early 1990s, I found a British product for teaching French that was interesting. There were two books, an A and a B. Each chapter presented a different half of a conversation with necessary supportive materials like vocabulary and phrases. The activity was designed to have two students practice conversing.

A British communicative activities book I used in the early 1990s.

Shop for Scaffold Dialogue products at my store.

I tried on and off to use this during the time I taught French, from 1991 to 2004 (I taught social studies from ’04 to ’22). I could never get the students to commit to remaining in the target language throughout and that was the main reason I abandoned the activity. But I still wanted some kind of guided conversation that included scripted elements and improvised elements. I needed this to be topical so I could include it in a thematic lesson.

Reading and listening are important, but students who do too much of this and not enough speaking and writing without assistance end up notreally being able to use the language they toiled so hard to learn.

The Old French Regents Examination

Screenshot from the 1985 French Regents part 2.

Those of you not in New York State may not know about our state testing system called Regents exams. Back in the 1980s, the old exams had a part that I liked but which was eliminated in the new exams in the 1990s. In this part, the teacher read a setting in French twice, then something in the target language to which student were to respond. There was a prompt in English telling students in a general way how to respond.

I like this exercise because it calls upon students to produce language. Many commercial world language programs heavily emphasize receptive language because it’s easier to grade. Reading and listening are important, but students who do too much of this and not enough speaking and writing without assistance end up not really being able to use the language they toiled so hard to learn.

The Scaffold Dialogue Package

Shop for Scaffold Dialogue products at my store.

Okay, so I’m not good at naming things… But the series of interconnected conversation lessons that I developed using all three of these experiences I will term the “Scaffold Dialogue Package”.

Step 1: Learn the Vocabulary – Students should use whatever methods they usually do to learn the words in the thematic list. I use the online flashcards and word bank quizzes here at

Step 2: Complete the two listen-record tasks: For a class of twelve, this taskes about one 40-minute period. I have taught this using paper and digitally using Google docs. We all like paper better for this. I harvested grades for this by calculating percent correct on an open-notes quiz on the table.

Step 3: Complete the Scaffold Dialogue- The scaffold dialogue is based on the two listen-record tasks. It’s important to echo what each student says both for improving pronunciation and for letting people hear enough to record the elements in the table. To avoide confusing when I echo and when I am giving the teacher response, I say “s/he said…” before echoing what the student said. I have harvested scores for this in two ways. If I have time, I give an open-notes quiz. Otherwise, I collect the sheets and select one column to score. This takes a whole forty-minute class period for a class of about twelve. I leave a lot of scoring leeway for these if I grade a column. There can be no English and it has to have some significant elements of what the student said, but for younger learners that suffices. For French 3, I require a little more spelling accuracy.

Step 4: The Test – Administer the test – it takes about twenty minutes or so. Repeat each item twice. When scoring, remember that only errors that affect auditory comprehension matter. Allow 2 free errors for French 1 and early French 2 and 1 free error for French 2 later in the course and French 3. I usually gathered a total score by calculating percent of checks out of fifteen.

For a class of twelve, the whole package takes about four class periods. Once students get in the habit of these, it goes rapidly. Each listen-record has a slightly different improvised structure, so there’s enough varation month to month for interest. Listen-record 1 usually is more basic and causes review of basic structures (like the Education one has students recall names of classes and school supplies). Listen-record 2 is more sophisticated, calling on students to offer opinions or to explain.

The Virtue of Assigning Summaries

Dear fellow social studies teachers,

I would like to play the role of a crusader in this post, if you don’t mind. There’s something I would like you to consider about your teaching practice, or maybe reconsider as the case may be. I’d like you to abandon assigning your students comprehension questions on most kinds of texts you assign in your social studies class. Instead, I’d like you to consider assigning students to summarize instead.

When students do the search and copy instead of reading the text fully, they deny the author the chance to build with the reader an information schema of their own that lends itself to long-term recall.

Okay, so who do I think I am anyway to question a practice that’s at least a century old? Well, I cannot claim to be any super authority. I taught social studies for eighteen of my thirty-two years teaching. I worked in small, rural mountain schools and my roster averaged about one hundred students a year, which is likely smaller than that of my readers. I think these are good starters to convince you to at least hear me, but I have always felt that the argument from authority to be one of the most pernicious fallacies. So in honor of my thirty-two years, grant me the indulgence of reading further. As for accepting my suggestion, let the arguments sway you themselves.

When you assign your students to read a text selection and answer questions on it, you must know what the majority of them do. They skim the text to locate the answer, often they copy it wholesale, and then they’re done. Teachers who accept this kind of work are missing an important opportunity to foster greater reading comprehension skills and greater long-term recall. Writers, even writers of textbooks, build meaning in a schema of content to deliver to the reader, who constructs meaning related to their experience. Ideas are hierarchically arranged and organized to support a set of main ideas. When students do the search and copy instead of reading the text fully, they deny the author the chance to build with the reader an information schema of their own that lends itself to long-term recall. At the risk of putting too fine a point on it, questions on text are largely a useless exercise even when the questions are of high quality.

Once students leave sixth grade in my region, the formal lessons in reading stop. But a great number of sixth graders do not read at a sixth-grade level. They cannot advance their reading without texts at their level. And they have to actually read these. It is possible and desirable in middle and junior high school to promote the development of reading in youngsters by structuring what they do to process text. Teaching students to write competent summaries is one of the best ways to let them develop their reading skills. (This should be paired with offering texts at their independent reading level whenever possible).

What does the research say?

Summarizing and note-taking are two of the most useful academic skills students can have. (Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2005)

Summarizing is in the top two most powerful writing tasks that support the development of student reading. (Graham & Hebert, 2010)

Click here to shop my TpT store for passcodes to give your students access to training videos with embedded auto-corrected questions on composing summaries.

Writing to Read

I was greatly influenced by a paper entitled Writing to Read: Evidence for how Writing can Improve Reading in 2010 published by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. A meta-analysis clearly demonstrates that composing summaries is superior to answering questions on text. The reader may argue that this research was conducted to address methods for using writing to enhance reading. But I would argue that (a) this is rightly a major goal of assigning most secondary students a textbook reading task and (b) the same cognitive processes that go into reading comprehension go into long-term recall of information. Students answering questions on text are less likely to be encoding from working memory into long-term memory than those composing summaries in their own words.

The Five and Three Summary Style

Around 2006 when I was making major investments in curriculum and methodology development, I sat down with a noted professor of literacy who happened to be working in our district, Trudy Walp. I explained my qualms about assigning students questions on text and I asked her, what is the very best thing I can have students do with text from a reading specialist’s perspective. She did not hesitate to say: have them retell what they read.

When I assigned my students summaries on their textbook articles early on, my top students wrote terribly long and detailed compositions that were not brief enough to be a summary. I needed to shorten my students’ summaries and to develop a rubric for evaluating the quality of a summary. The resulting task I used for some fifteen years: the Five and Three.

The assignment for the five and three is to summarize the assigned text (usually four pages in a typical high school textbook) in five sentences exactly, no more and no less. This is the “five”. The “three” is the personal reaction to the text. Students were assigned to connect this text to their own life somehow. What does it remind them of? What do they think about what they read? Why? These had to be exactly three sentences long. This was the second element that the reading specialist recommended to me. Students need to make the text meaningful to them in some personal way that makes new information integrate into their preexisting schema.

The five-and-three became the foundation of my students’ textbook reading work. They also had the option of composing Cornell notes for an assigned reading. I would invite the reader to return to the blog for a post dedicated to extolling the virtues of Cornell note-taking. The five-and-three faded in importance in certain classes where video lessons became an effective information delivery tool when reading instruction was no longer a priority.

The Mechanical Summary

The mechanical summary evolved in 2020 when I had a group of learners who struggled and who just would not produce summaries even given time to do so in class. I offered them the opportunity to write a summary by copying the first sentence of each paragraph word-for-word, then to connect and arrange these into complex sentences such that there were only five sentences. They had to compose the three-sentence personal reaction to the text just like normally done. For this, I offered a maximum score of 76 because, I argued, it had less value not being processed in their own words. I reason that not processing in their own words likely limited the ability of encoding to happen from working memory to long-term memory.

With the Assistance of AI

At this point you are likely wondering how you could possibly grade all these summaries. I will grant you, the workload takes some management, but I would argue that it is only slightly more time consuming than grading answers to a set of questions and the benefit to your students makes it all very worth it.

I’m an amateur programmer and I developed an AI grading assistant that is very good at scoring summaries. This app is available to subscribers to Innovation Assessments. Say, why not sign up for a free 60-day trial? The price is surely right if you decide to subscribe?

The AI grading assistant was accurate enough to save me tons of time scoring summaries. The summarizer app actually let me create models on which to train the AI that were highly accurate when compared to human-generated summaries… eerily so!

This blog post describes the AI grading assistant.

The ability to skillfully summarize is a lost art worth recovering for our students. It enhances the development of their reading ability and it promotes greater recall of the content we teach. It’s my hope my experience developing this system can make this suggestion seem do-able and worthwhile.


Graham, S., & Hebert, M. (2010). Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading. New York: Carnegie Corporation.

Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (2005). Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Teaching the NYS Global Regents CRQ

When the new Frameworks for social studies in New York State came out about six years ago, the first item that caught my eye was the constructed-response question sets. If you are not familiar with this task, in brief, it calls upon the student to examine historical sources (I use exclusively primary sources) by providing historical or geographic context, identifying the point of view, intended audience, or purpose of a document and then using the two documents in either compare-contrast, cause-effect analysis, or turning point identification.

Originally, the task was supposed to call upon the student to evaluate the reliability of the source. This was scrapped, probably after field testing questions. I regret their decision to scrap this (though it does appear as part of the analogous task, the short essay, in US History grade 11). Students can be taught to evaluate the reliability of sources at an early age (I incorporated it into my sixth- through eighth-grade social studies work). Students can be trained to evaluate based on features like the point of view (bias), intended audience, purpose, time and place, and authorship. Teaching this does require patience and practice. What I think happened is this: few teachers address the reliability of sources and so when they field tested the new exam format, everyone did so poorly that they scrapped the question. I wish I could find out how my kids did. I had been teaching the reliability of sources since they were in middle school.

I advocate a strategy of assigning one CRQ in each unit of study in grades nine and ten without access to notes. I used this as one of the tests at the end of a unit of study. I would tell students about what kinds of documents would appear and what historical context they should be able to recall in advance. It is a challenging task for them.

The first challenge for novices is to understand what it means to provide context. Faced with the question “What is the historical context of this document?”, beginners will retell what the document says. The reason for this mistake is that, since they were little kids, teachers have asked them to relate what a text means to prove they understood it. This task asks students to bring to bear what they know about the history behind the document, which requires a level of recall I don’t think we’re asking students to do enough.

Another challenge for students writing the CRQ is the third question where they must use two documents in analysis. Cause-effect relationships are the easiest for students, it seems, so I teach those first. When students are asked to compare and contrast the documents, some students have to be cautioned to select significant elements to compare. The fact that one document is a map and one is a diary entry, for example, is not a significant fact. The turning point question is the hardest, mostly because it calls on students to recall history and to understand historical trends both before and after the event. I find it useful to break this up into small tasks: first say what the turning point is, then say what is so special about it.

After a difficult task, especially for writing, I like to do a “debriefing”. In the debriefing after the CRQ, I like to share student answers anonymously in a slide show and discuss them. It is a very effective strategy for stamping out common errors early and permanently. Sample debriefing PowerPoints from an eighth-grade and ninth-grade CRQ are posted below.

Certain constant reminders were recurring for all my classes:

— Things are not reliable because of what they say or show.

— Things are not reliable because they are in quotation marks.

— Things are not reliable because they happen to match what you think is already true.

— Unreliable statements can be true.

— When you’re asked for historical context, do not describe what the document says.

And what about middle school? Can the constructed-response task be modified for that level?

Students with an IEP often are very challenged by these tasks because of the reading level of the texts. Since I use primary sources exclusively in my CRQ’s, this is doubly difficult for students with reading limitations. The answer to this is to consider obtaining CRQ’s designed with a lower reading level.

If I may be so bold as to give advice, I would suggest that students do these throughout Global nine and ten, perhaps once a month. I suggest that they be as tests instead of open-book or take-home assignments because students need to prepare for recall situations. The debriefing afterward is vital to class improvement and it makes for a long-lasting correction. I would advocate resisting the temptation to leave this off for the Global ten teacher. It really does take a long time to learn to do this well.

Why didn’t anyone tell me about Standardized Scoring in Teacher School?

There was not a lot of math in my teacher preparation in the 1980s. Actually, I managed to take my BA without a math course (I took extra science instead). I sure wish I had statistics from the start!

Read this blog post on how it is done.

Sometimes no matter our experience or preliminary testing, we are surprised at how poorly a class does on a test. Most teachers resort, quite rightly, to some kind of “curve” to alter the scores. Even a valid, reliable test can be too difficult for students.

In effect, the standardized scoring was a useful set of training wheels that naturally disappeared once the class met the normal performance level!

A second issue of interest is in scaffolding difficult tasks for our students. Some things require time and practice to learn to do. Students may face low scores at first on such tasks. We don’t want their grades or their confidence to suffer. “Curving” the grades on a task while students are still in training for it is a good practice.

Enter the z-score standardization procedure. I don’t want this to be a post about mathematics (mostly because I am not confident to do so), but I would like to promote this as one of the best ways to alter a set of test scores in situations where (1) the group’s scores are lower than expected (say, more than 5 points below the class average overall in the course) or (2) the class is still practicing a difficult skill.

My interest in z-score began around 2010 when I was working to establish that the different capstone unit tasks I let kids choose were, in fact, of equal difficulty. I value differentiated instruction, but I also strongly value fairness. Z-score standardization let me establish how the rubrics for tasks in my class compared to a state test.

Standardizing the scores requires data that basically establishes a norm. How “should” the class have performed based on how a large set of previous students have performed? One of the things that makes grade standardizing hard is that one does not always have access to this data. How should my kids have done compared to how all my previous kids have done? Well, I saved my data.

I taught French for the first thirteen years of my career (plus two years later on) and then the other eighteen years I taught social studies. Now, mind you, I’m not a person to save a lot of stuff. My classroom was always pretty bare and I threw out stuff I wasn’t using. But data, that’s something I like to save. I have hard copies of my final grade sheets for all my students from 1994 to 2013. I also have all my Regents results (for those of you not in new York State, “Regents” are standardized state tests in different subjects). Permit me to share my data with the reader. This data will give you the mean and standard deviation on population sizes of around 100 (between 92 and 100) for French grades 8-10 and for social studies grades 8-11. See below.

I learned to do this with the help of my colleague in the math department, to whom I am grateful for answering a lot of my questions over the years and helping me learn basic statistics. I am a computer programmer and I wrote an app to do the calculations. It’s available for free and I invite you to use it. Just enter your class’ test scores, then the mean and standard deviation of the standard test you’re standardizing the scores to. The app generates a table of standardized scores and some statistical information.

A good example of using this is when I was teaching Global Studies 10 and US History 11. The new New York State Regents exams in these subjects have stimulus-based multiple-choice questions. These are hard for students at first. I had them do one each unit as a test. Standardized scoring let me modify their scores so that their grades were not harmed and their confidence preserved. So here’s the beauty of the standardized scoring: the method sets the mean of the current task to that of the standard, then adjusts everyone’s score using standard deviations. As the class improved on this task month by month, the class average approached the standard mean, so the grades were affected less and less. In effect, the standardized scoring was a useful set of training wheels that naturally disappeared once the class met the normal performance level!

Click here to shop for stimulus-based multiple-choice questions arranged by topics for Global Studies 10 and US History 11

A number of my education courses back in the ’80s were kind of useless. Hopefully, teacher training is better today. (I only had a one credit course in behavior management theory! Sheesh!) Statistics would have been a good course for me because I used it so extensively in my career. Readers who are interested might subscribe to to see the other statistical apps that you might find useful.

Basic Proficiency: A Classroom Differentiated Instruction Model

In the early 2000’s, there was a lot of talk about differentiated instruction picking up steam. Whether or not it was just another bandwagon remains to be seen, but it strikes me that differentiating middle and high school social studies classes is not only de rigeur right now but it is the right thing to do. Like anything else, how this is done is worth considering.

As a beginning teacher in the early ’90s, my unconscious goal was to teach the course so every kid would aim to get an A. The unspoken, unchallenged notion seemed to have been that every kid who works hard enough can, and therefore should, get an A. Disabusing myself of this notion improved my teaching practice and, therefore, my students’ progress.

I offer the analogy of a paper grocery bag, when overfilled, breaks at the bottom and all the groceries are lost. It is probably a question of cognitive load, or overload, as the case may be, that inhibits encoding of information into long-term memory.

The concept begins with the idea that the average student across the world earns probably a C or C+ in most courses. That is, after all, the definition of average. This is really the goal of instruction for the majority of students. The mandate is to pass. I was greatly influenced by a paper from 1993 (Dempster, F. N. (1993). Exposing Our Students to Less Should Help Them Learn More. Phi Delta Kappan) in which the author argued that limiting the amount of content delivered will increase how much students retain. Much instruction seems to be guided by the notion that if we inundate students with knowledge they will scoop up more of it, as much as they can. The opposite is the case. I offer the analogy of a paper grocery bag, when overfilled, breaks at the bottom and all the groceries are lost. It is probably a question of cognitive load, or overload, as the case may be, that inhibits encoding of information into long-term memory. The “Basic Proficiency” curriculum is a parallel set of modified tasks for the regular classroom that may be accessed by anybody any time whether special education or not.

The beneficiary of this program is the student who struggles to get that C+ in the course. Their performance and satisfaction is enhanced by offering less; more manageable chunks of data to process, integrate, and retain.

Click here to shop my TpT store for differentiated curriculum materials for social studies grades seven through ten.

So that’s the theory. In practice, it calls for a lot of preparation. I selected key assignments for modification: the reading task, the multiple-choice quiz, a writing task, and capstone options. The system worked thus (scroll to the bottom for sample parallel curricula): students electing basic proficiency at the start of a unit needed to declare their intention at the start. Then as the unit progressed, they accessed the modified versions of each assignment. When I moved my course materials completely online to go paperless in 2019, students changed from pulling modified assignments from a different folder to accessing a different set of links at Innovation Assessments.

For this kind of differentiated instruction to realize its full benefit, it must be paired with some remediation time outside class.


I began developing this strategy about 2007. There are a number of key things I learned along the way. The first was to address the issue of fairness. A reasonable critique of differentiated instruction, and an element of this practice that was often overlooked by its proponents in the beginning, was the importance of ensuring that assignments that were different were actually of equivalent value. If student A is doing less than student B, how can student A reasonably expect to earn the same marks as student B? Furthermore, there were cases where strong students chose basic proficiency because they wanted an easy grade. Both of these problems were resolved by setting limits on the maximum score a student could earn on a modified task.

One of my friends in the special education department once made the case that a student with disabilities who was doing their best within their ability should be entitled to an A. I took a more conservative position on this, maintaining that the value of a work product was little influenced by the effort of the producer. There were valid and reliable ways of measuring the quality of student essays and the criteria were unaffected by ability.

Differentiated Reading

I would suggest that one of the key features of this plan, one which I embraced with some reservations at first, was to offer different levels of textbook reading for students on the basic plan. I was able to find history textbooks at a fifth grade reading level for all my classes (I was teaching US history in grades seven and eight and global history in grades nine and ten). In advance of the school year, I selected page numbers of articles that mirrored what was to be assigned from the standard textbook. Students process text in my classes using one of two methods, the “five and Three summary” (blog post coming soon on that) or Cornell Note Taking.

It should be noted that these texts contained about half as many words in a larger font and less than half the information of the standard text. Students choosing the easier reading were also choosing to learn less content. While they may learn some of the missing content from other activities such as my lecture, they were still having less served up to them.

Many assignments were the same for everybody. Each unit progressed through the same type of activities, key elements of which were offered on a modified basis. Management considerations dictated that students had to choose one package or another, Standard Inquiry or Basic Proficiency, on a unit-by-unit basis. the could not choose on a task-by-task basis. It was not possible to manage it.

Don’t Worry: There was plenty of enrichment for advanced students.

In the spirit of differentiation, I maintained a collection of college level books my ambitious learners could choose for their reading assignments. I had developed rubrics for more sophisticated versions of our essay work so students could attempt the next grade level of work. Differentiating for these students was done on a task-by-task basis and less formally, but being self-directed scholars they managed this mostly themselves. I only needed to provide the materials and encouragement to challenge them.

So How Did It Go?

I carried out the plan for a little over ten years in all my classes, grades seven through ten social studies. I found some interesting things. Firstly, I discovered that weaker students who chose basic proficiency in grades seven and eight mostly moved to standard inquiry by grades nine and ten. They tired of the maximum score limitations and they developed the skills to approach academics more effectively by having materials at their ability level to work on. Secondly, I discovered that some students who would be candidates for basic proficiency would sometimes choose standard inquiry if they liked the topic. The American Civil War was often one that had most people doing standard work. The effect of this was to give the weaker students confidence.

In 2012, I did a study of student progress on the plan to see whether I wished to continue it. Results were strong enough to continue the practice.

But then I could not do it anymore…

In my last year teaching social studies before retiring, I had to discontinue the program. The reasons were practical. My course assignments and rosters increased during this time period. A big disappointment for me was the loss of this extra remediation time in my schedule. I lost my remediation periods in the schedule in favor of teaching more courses (we taught six different subjects / grade levels where I worked). This showed me that modifying the work was sometimes not enough. Some students needed more time with their teacher outside of class and being denied this was a serious blow to my program. For this kind of differentiated instruction to realize its full benefit, it must be paired with some remediation time outside class even if only thirty minutes a week.

When I did a study of the work submission rates of my students during the remote learning of the pandemic, I discovered that there was a huge drop in work submission and homework completion overall starting after 2017 when my remedial class periods were cancelled. I invite the reader to return in the future and read my blog post on my experiences teaching in the pandemic. Pertinent to this discussion, the detrimental effect of eliminating extra help for my students was demonstrable over time.

I present this basic proficiency idea to the reader as a possibility they might consider for their classrooms. I found it to be a recipe for success, especially when paired with appropriate remediation. One needs to bear in mind that even when the assignments are all prepared in advance, there is a significant investment in time for management of the plan and for scoring a wider variety of assignments. Technology can help a lot with this (Like the Innovation Assessments learning platform!) but schools are advised to provide teachers who do this enough planning time and student contact time to make it happen. It is rewarding for the learner and well worth the investment.

Sample Parallel Curricula

Click here to shop my TpT store for differentiated curriculum materials for social studies grades seven through ten.

The Case for Prioritizing Debate for Critical Thinking in Secondary Social Studies

When I switched from teaching French to social studies in 2004, one of my first projects was to develop lesson plans for formal debate and mock trials for my classes. In time, these became a centerpiece of my units, second only to primary source work.

I value the critical discourse of debate in my middle and high school classes very highly, in the first place because it causes participating students to learn a greater quantity of history.

Maybe my interest in debate comes from my own youth. I was sent to parochial schools run by Franciscans who valued debate and the clash of ideas. While I was aware that I caused no end of irritation to my teachers by my willingness to play devil’s advocate in just about any discussion, my patient teachers helped me refine rhetorical practices in writing and speech. One of my religion teachers lent me a book on Aristotle to help me get my reasoning act together! Reasoned discourse was valued in our lessons and appealed to my innate rebel and, while I left high school without the belief system they sought to embed, I did leave well educated.

I value the critical discourse of debate in my middle and high school classes very highly, in the first place because it causes participating students to learn a greater quantity of history. In order to argue effectively, one needs facts and to understand the relationships between events such as cause-effect. Having to improvise arguments, or even plan and compose them for that matter, causes the student to develop schema of information that is long-lasting. In the second place, I hold rhetoric in high esteem because it develops the kind of critical thinking skills so necessary in a democracy. Citizens who are too easily swayed by propaganda or who consume social media without a critical eye are less citizens than they are pawns of powers seeking to use them. I think I left teaching French back in ’04 because I did not feel what I was doing was important enough somehow… but that’s for another post…

From my TeachersPayTeacher Store: Click here for a set of rubrics and training manual for teaching debate.

Discussion Style Debate

The most basic type of debate is the “discussion style”. Teams sit across from each other at a table with a moderator at the head. They give timed, prepared speeches in turn and then engage in improvised cross-examination. The rules are fairly simple and many students came to really look forward to the debate. I required everyone to do this at first, but I soon learned it was best left as an elective unit capstone task for the willing and to offer other things for students who do not like public speaking.

Students who were fearful of public speaking needed rhetorical training as well. The next development was the online discussion. I coded an app at that worked especially well for moderated class discussions and streamlined the grading and scoring process for me. In every unit, there was an online discussion topic students had to address. Their assignment was similar to one I was given in some online college classes I took. They were to post their response to the prompt, giving two grounds for their position (sometimes I assigned them a position even if they held the opposing view). In step two, they were to reply in the opposing view to the student above them in the feed on the app. Finally, they were to go back later and reply in defense to the student in the class who offered them an opposing view. Once trained, students completed this assignment as a matter of course in each unit. During working periods in class, discussions would often erupt as students wrote and this was marvelous.

I gave formal lessons in rhetoric and identifying logical fallacies and I built a logical fallacy tracking function into the forum app so students could flag posts that contained logical fallacies.

From my TeachersPayTeacher Store: Click Here for a PowerPoint slide show for teaching rhetoric and logical fallacies.

I hold rhetoric in high esteem because it develops the kind of critical thinking skills so necessary in a democracy.

An Elective Course in Rhetorical Strategies

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to teach “Debating Current Events”, an elective course in different rhetorical styles and skills. The course was assigned to me in response to a discussion at the Board of Education level about how the school can try to foster greater understanding and act as a block to rising polarization in society. The course syllabus opened with: “Debating Current Events gives students the chance to participate in the great clash of ideas of our democracy. But it’s not really just about clashing ideas: it’s about forming understanding of the opposing view that leads to appreciation of diverse opinions. Students will examine the historical and social context of emerging current events. They will become skillful consumers of information, learning to carefully examine sources and to read critically. They will understand persuasion not only as a strategy in their own discussions but as a tool to understand and evaluate media communication.” I had six brilliant and engaged students whose opinions fell across the political spectrum. It was a great way to start each day.

My course materials for Debating Current Events are available for sale at my store. Units of study are also sold separately. Unit 1: The political spectrum, tolerance and toleration, Robert’s Rules of Order (I give the class a great deal of control over our work using Robert’s Rules. Unit 2: Aristotelian rhetoric (does not include training in syllogisms) and Logical Fallacies. Unit 3: Toulmin’s Rhetorical Method. Unit 4: Rogerian Rhetoric

The Mock Trial

By far the most popular activity in my classes was the mock trial. In this simulation, students are placed in a historical context as actors in a murder mystery trial they write themselves. I do not know what first gave me the idea to do this, but it was one of the first units I designed when I started teaching social studies. The unit begins with the election of judges and attorneys. The rest of the participants are randomly assigned to teams to role play as witnesses for the defense and the prosecution. I would seed the development of the historical fiction story we were going to write as a class by giving a basic scenario. The murder was placed at some time in history we were just learning about. Over three days, a story emerged, as attorneys and witnesses imagined their side of the story and the means, motive and opportunity were fleshed out. Judges completed an online mini-course in courtroom procedure during these days. The trial commenced on day four, with opening statements and the prosecution putting on its case. It took six to seven days to do this, so we only did one a year (although one year I had the opportunity to teach a half year elective class just in historic mock trials). Embedded in history, the stories we composed really stuck with us. Students would come back a decade later and comment on one of the trials we did and maybe some striking event on the witness stand. I invite the reader to return to the blog in the near future for a detailed account of how to teach an unscripted mock trial unit. To the point of this post, the four attorneys and three judges needed to be models for the class in the kind of evidentiary reasoning that I think we would all agree every citizen would benefit to possess.

Click here to visit my store to purchase a Mock Trial Classroom Kit.

The Model House of Representatives

In the 2019-2020 academic year, I developed a Model House of Representatives unit for my US History classes. Like the mock trial, this unit plan was “modular”: able to be set in any historical time period. Students were trained in a basic version of one of the debate formats used by the United States House of Representatives after being assigned to political parties based on a survey of their personal political leanings. Parties elected their leaders and the majority was set in alignment with which party was in majority in the year in which the session was taking place. Members drafted bills, spoke on the house floor in debating a bill, etc. Crafting bills turned out to be an extremely useful activity in and of itself. Students were assigned a problem of the time period and to craft a law that would address it. I invite the reader now to return to this blog in the near future for a more detailed account of how one to use a Model House of Representatives activity.

Click Here to view Model House of Representatives unit materials in my TpT store.

I have often wondered whether an alternative career choice for me would have been as an attorney. I have an interest in law and justice that no doubt influenced me. But beyond that, these activities bring two important elements to the course in social studies: a deeper knowledge of historical context and the ability to reason well. A positive side benefit is in the ability to spot propaganda in social media, a lesson to be addressed in a future blog, so do stay tuned!

You can preview a set of lessons on consuming social media with a critical eye here and this lesson set is on sale at my TpT store here.

Teaching the NYS Global Regents Enduring Issue Essay

The first time I sat in on the regional scoring* for the new New York State Global History and Geography Regents, the other scorers and I had conversations about the difficulties teaching the enduring issue concept to students. Some waited until the end of the school year to practice these, since the essay prompt draws on documents across cultures and eras and calls on the student to observe some patterns. They argued that this could not be done during the year because it required many time periods. I think there’s a better method.

Learning to write the enduring issue essay calls upon the student to read sources, identify some common issue (as opposed to a theme), and then select three documents to combine with their own recollections of historical context to relate their conclusions. Frankly, I think it’s an outstanding task. I love that it calls upon students to draw conclusions from evidence — to synthesize for themselves. The class discussions we had while practicing these were interesting as students came to observe patterns I would not have thought of and to defend them admirably. Waiting until the end of the year during review sessions is a bad time to teach students how to do this. Most all students whose papers I scored from other districts scored 2 out of 5 on these essays.

Bringing most of my students’ scores to 3-4 out of 5 came from committing ourselves to write one of these essays every ten weeks in Global 9 and 10. For those of you not familiar, in New York State students take Global History and Geography I in grade nine and the second half, part II, in grade ten. The state Regents exam only now covers the tenth grade course. I mention this because there is a temptation for Global 9 teachers to skip the enduring issue essay and wait to grade ten just before the Regents. Permit me to suggest that this is a mistake and a missed opportunity.

Click here to visit my store where you can shop for enduring issue essay prompts for grades nine and ten.

The enduring issue essay was 45% of a student’s score on my ten week interim exams. The first few in grade nine were heavily supported, as I coached students to bring up historical context to connect with the documents they chose.

The first challenge for students was to learn to distinguish a “theme” from an “issue”. “Movement of People” is a theme. The violent conflicts caused by movement of people is an issue. Students who have a more narrowly defined issue that societies have to address now have a clear direction for their writing. When students merely notice a theme, such as “power”, they fall into the trap of just proving that this was something that was a “thing” because it’s in the three documents they chose. It may seem like splitting hairs here, but it is a very important distinction and it matters in the quality of their essay (and therefore their score). The essays we wrote at weeks ten and twenty both included a lot of coaching on my part on formulating an enduring issue that was focused enough to lay the groundwork for an excellent essay.

The problem mentioned by my colleagues from other districts, namely that they felt they could not teach this until they had covered a lot of history and therefore not until the end of the year, is resolved by composing essay prompts only on the topics we have already studied. So on the week ten essay in Global 9 an 10, the documents I selected were only from the civilizations / time periods we studied at the time. The reader is invited to browse my online store for essay prompts designed for different points in the course.

The next challenge to overcome for novice writers was to avoid the temptation to merely summarize what the document says. This pretty much goes against all their reading experience to date, where teachers demanded they say what they read or answer questions on it in order to prove they understood. Writing this essay well demands that students draw upon their recalled background knowledge. The tendency for students to just summarize the documents was a very difficult habit to break. I came to advise them to spend no more than a few sentences in a paragraph to summarize the document and to spend the rest of the words in that paragraph to bring in background history to the document and to state explicitly how it supports their issue.

My goal throughout the training is to get students to write a level 3 paper. I realize I am tempted to try to teach everyone to shoot for a 5, but that is not reasonable. A score of 5 represents above grade level. A score of 4 is reserved pretty much for those who recall a lot of history. Despite all our best efforts, our students do not really on average recall a lot of history. So in my training I shoot for polishing a level of writing that is still above what I was seeing in the compositions of neighboring schools and that was do-able given the typical memory of your average student. Those students capable of the 4’s and 5’s suffered no disadvantage from this because, once they perfected the method of identifying issues (as opposed to mere themes), selecting and interpreting documents, and then bringing in historical context then all they needed to do to impress the raters was to dump a ton of historical knowledge in there.

This essay assignment is a strong feature of the new New York State Global Regents examination. It gives evidence of critical thinking and it promotes a rich classroom experience. Training in this should not wait for the end of the year and is best done throughout both grades nine and ten. The effort pays off and students often come to like this task, the latter being a surprising result of this training program.

Click here to visit my store where you can shop for enduring issue essay prompts for grades nine and ten.

* For the reader not familiar with scoring high school Regents exams in New York State, about a decade ago the state instituted regional scoring. They felt there was some kind of funny business going on when teachers were scoring their own Regents exams, so they mandated that we could no longer grade our own students’ work. So since I worked in a tiny district, I had to schlepp off to another school where I would grade their exams and they would grade mine. The security was absurd: I could not even handle my students’ papers, lest I be accused of foul play. For the essays, each student’s essay was scored by two teachers trained on a rubric and sample papers from prior field testing. If the raters disagreed in score by more than 1 point, a third rater was called in. The system has some advantages but in hindsight it seems a little unnecessary.